Monday, July 1

On a roll...

July 1 Recap: It's been crazy hot the past few days, but I'm determined to work the big ol' bellies off these horses before the show in August. I waited until it started to cool off for the day so none of us would die of heat exhaustion, but even with my kind intentions the horses took off the second they saw me coming with their halters. I got Z caught after only a minute or two chasing him around. I popped him in the crossties and headed back out for Betty. She stood very patiently in the crossties while I groomed them both. She did have a mild freak out when I hit her with the fly spray, but she settled right down again afterwards.

I tacked up Z and tied Betty to the fence to wait her turn. She stood around patiently the whole time. I'm not sure if this girl is just that good, or maybe a day spent grazing in the sun had her feeling drowsy.   When it was her turn to work, we spent a few minutes trotting and cantering circles. She was very lazy tonight, but, since I had big plans for our session, I decided to go with her laid back vibe and get down to business. I reviewed standing still while I waved the whip around and the saddle pad. I took a little extra time because this was a different pad than we'd used before. Then...

TADAAA!!!! Goal #5 has been accomplished! Betty was great for her first time saddled. I tossed it on and off her back a few times before cinching her up. She stood like an old dude horse and moved off calm as could be. I worked her both directions at all three gaits without a buck, snort, or silly fit.  So proud of this sweet girl.

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